Friday, June 12, 2009

Hood River Museum

Gil and the kids are touring the Western Antique Aeroplane and Automobile Museum in Hood River this morning. We left Barbara's house about 8:00, came down the mountain and filled up the RV with gas (very thirsty today, over 64 gallons), got propane in our tank in case we need it for heating and then dumped at the Port of Dalles. We will eat lunch here at the airport in the museum parking lot and then head west to Portland, turn north on I-85 and go to Toledo, WA to visit my dear friend of over 40 years, Joyce Hudson and her husband Gary.

We will stay there Friday and Sat. night and head to Seattle Sunday and stay at the McCord Fam Camp if there is room. Then we will stock fresh groceries and cross the border into Canada on Monday. There will be no cell phone use or computer use while in Canada, so the blog will be on hold for about 5 days, depending how long it takes us to get into Alaska. Then we will be able to call home and use the computer again while in Alaska. Watch for some pretty pictures at that time.

By the way, today is June 12th and my son's 42nd Happy Birthday to Ed, back in Camden, AR.

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