Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fall Colors 2010

Considering what a dry summer we had this year in South Central Arkansas and all over the state for that matter, we have had some beautiful fall color this November. I think we are at our color peak this week prior to Thanksgiving. I am sharing some of the pictures I have taken. Some are flowers in our yard, trees in our yard and trees in the neighborhood - all of which are a reminder of God's handiwork when he made our planet and His blessings to us each day.

Gil and I look forward to Mama and Judy coming Sunday prior to the holiday next week and possibly Aunt Sue as well. Then on Wednesday we will see Pat, James and Emma come to our house for Thanksgiving this year and stay several days with us.

Gil just returned from his last prison ministry for 2010 from the Benton Work Release Unit. I am also including a picture of him on his motorcycle.

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